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  The film (and the acting) is superbly done, but the story is intense. I like it for its' dark, thick, "Cul du Sac" psychology but it is certainly not for everyone for that very reason. Set in isolated, rural France makes this film all the more desperate.
  The film is about strenuous relationships, loyalty - and despair. It is about accepting hardships without really understanding them. It is also about pity and how it is to be distinguished from love and admiration. I've seen many French films with the same intensity and I'm guessing that it will be mostly the French who will enjoy this film.
  The acting is superb in this film – if you're in the right state of mind and don't loose your concentration. Jean-François Stevenin ALWAYS impresses me. He doesn't disappoint me here either. For general audiences, however, I'd recommend his performance in "Deux Lions au Soleil" which is much more easily palatable than "Peux de Vaches".
  Despite the fact that I like "Peux de Vaches", I have difficulties recommending it to anyone other than French audiences and perhaps someone with a morose demeanor.

【厚牛皮】是由帕特里西亚·玛佐执导的剧情片、桑德里娜·博内尔  让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南  雅克·斯皮埃塞  主演的法语电影、在1989年拍摄、法国上映优酷网、腾讯视频、爱奇艺以及高清线路、m3u8线路观看、等高清视频播出、新剧网提供了厚牛皮电影、厚牛皮高清完整版、厚牛皮免费在线观看、并且还可以支持手机高清免费观看,不需要下载播放器、方便广大影迷们欣赏。


  • 0.0HD甘南情歌李槐龙,德姬,普巴太,周桦
  • 0.0HD新藤真奈美,小原徳子,大西信满,黒住尚生,仁科亚季子,ぶっちゃあ
  • 0.0HD超意神探张家辉,张艺上,谭耀文,周励淇,梁永棋,洪天照,唐文龙,包文婧
  • 1.0HD冯齐的忏悔林雨申,朱俐颖,安顿
  • 6.0HD红辣椒1991黛伯拉·卡普瑞里奥
  • 0.0HD灿烂的她惠英红,刘浩存,张子贤,刘欢,苇青,刘奕铁,胡宝森,廖银玥,葛四,鄂靖文,荣梓杉,余皑磊,钱锦,李祉默,林源
  • 3.0全40集王牌部队黄景瑜,肖战,钟楚曦,李幼斌,毛林林,傅浤鸣,徐洪浩,孙逊,侯梦莎,刘晓洁,赵荀,张进,毛毅,夏侯镔,何政军,张志坚,白鹿,程煜,杜源,张绍刚,秦沛,史兰芽
  • 4.0DVD动物性本能Maxwell Caulfield,Jan-Michael Vincent,Shannon Whirry
  • 5.0HD落入俗世伊内斯·德梅代罗斯,伊萨赫·德·班克尔,爱迪丝·斯考博,Pedro Hestnes,Cristiano Andrade Alves,António Andrade,Daniel Andrade,Manuel Andrade,Raul Andrade,Joaquim Antunes,Monica Calle,Joaquim Carvalho,路易斯·米格尔·辛特拉,Isabel de Castro,
  • 3.0HD有毒的欲望:上瘾金善英
  • 7.0HD十面埋伏金城武,刘德华,章子怡,宋丹丹,刘腾远,赵鸿飞,郭军,张恕,王永鑫,李妍锡
  • 0.0HD甜蜜释放阿塔斯卡梅尔卡多,黛莎·加西亚,马克·莫拉莱斯,Horace Mendoza

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