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  • 🎀剧情介绍
  With a net worth of over $60,000,000,000, Warren Buffett is truly a one-of-a-kind billionaire. The legendary investor still lives in his modest home in Omaha. At 86 years old, he drives to the office every morning to manage Berkshire Hathaway, the fifth largest public company in the world. But more surprising than his humble lifestyle is his moral core. The same principles of decency and integrity that helped him pile up a fortune led him to give it all away in the largest philanthropic donation in history. Becoming Warren Buffett chronicles the evolution of a boy from Nebraska who became one of the most respected men in the world, and the heroes who helped guide him along the way. By allowing access to his life and never-before-released home videos, Buffett offers a glimpse into his unique mind to help us understand what is truly important when money no longer has meaning.
【成为沃伦·巴菲特】是由彼得·W·孔哈特,布瑞恩·奥克斯执导的纪录片、沃伦·巴菲特  苏姗·巴菲特  比尔·盖茨  主演的英语电影、在2017年拍摄、美国上映优酷网、腾讯视频、爱奇艺以及高清线路、m3u8线路观看、等高清视频播出、新剧网提供了成为沃伦·巴菲特电影、成为沃伦·巴菲特完整版、成为沃伦·巴菲特高清观看、并且还可以支持手机高清免费观看,不需要下载播放器、方便广大影迷们欣赏。


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